Friday, 18 September 2009

London Fashion Week Fever

Now that London Fashion Week has finally commenced, we have been glued to the website desperate for pictures of the new collections and tit bits of gossip from the shows.

So to satisfy our craving for all things related to British fashion, I decided to put together a blog post of my favourite quintessential British classics and my favourite red, white and blue pieces from our site, in homage to the Union Jack and great British style.

When you think of British classic pieces, one of the first items that spring to mind is the trench coat. This versatile piece works for both ladies and gents and adds a touch of sophistication to any outfit, day or evening.

I personally love a neutral coloured trench over black cigarette trousers for a really strong film noir type look. Top it off with a slick of red lipstick and maybe some red accessories. I’d highly recommend our red high society bag from designer Ava and Grace (£89), as not only does it contain the red of the Union Jack, it also has a very structured British look to it, to add some lady like glamour to your day.

Staying on the red theme, I also love this red flower hair clip, which has just the right amount of glitz to lift an outfit without being over the top. With a pencil skirt and crisp white shirt, this clip will bring some English county garden style to your wardrobe.

So that’s the red sorted, but what about the white and blue. Well, if we’re thinking of picking out the white, then what could be more British and classic than pearls? Whether a vintage string around the neck, or some elaborate earrings featuring faux pearls, no piece of jewellery can be as quintessentially British.

For a treat that will last a lifetime, our freshwater pearl bracelet (£96) is a real investment piece, and combines the traditional pearls with a modern silver charm, making it very wearable. And to really push the fashion boundaries, which is what British fashion is really about after all, why not pair such a lady like piece with a typically British accessory designed originally for men, like a bow tie or a pair of brogues and really mix up your styles.

Now we have our red and white items, it’s just the blue left to create our Union jack inspired ensembles. So how about combining another perennial British fashion piece with your blue, by wearing a navy trilby. Trilbies are a great way of adding a twist to an outfit and making it instantly fashionable, and are really quite wearable compared to other styles of hat. Trust me: I do not have a hat head, but even I can pull off a trilby!

Wear your trilby with confidence and add a colourful ribbon at the top of the brim to make it unique. And to carry on the blue theme why not add our blue heart necklace (£14) to really show your love, and it’s such good value you’ll love it even more.

So there are my top tips for ways to pledge your allegiance to British fashion, but before I finish I HAVE to mention brooches. For me they are the greatest of British accessories and work for everyone from teens to great grandmas, and can be used on shirts, hats, to fasten scarves and to hold clothing in place. So with this in mind my ultimate pick has to be this pearl and crystal brooch (£16.50)- combining my two favourites: brooches and pearls.

Happy Fashion Week!